Sunday, November 13, 2011

We are all just in it for the ride...

After going through weeks of waiting and thinking that the person will really realize what whats life all about. I give up, now I realize that I can't force anyone to do anything even if it's for the best for them. If they have made up their mind to continue living in ruins, so be it. I've got loads more to worry about in my life, what was I thinking of getting involved with other's!

Studies is the first priority for me, and I should concentrate on it and get a job first before I get serious with anyone. Its like what my friend once said, "You've to take care of yourself then others" and that's exactly what I am going to do.

Now that i'm alone at my apartment since my bud went off outstation for his studies, I was out on the balcony every night with my Carlsberg, Marlboro and some good music kept me thinking of what I really want to do with my life. Well for the time being, let me just focus on my studies and get a proper job then the real thinking comes to play.

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= Sham (ZI) = Oct 1992 = In a Partial Family = Open Minded = Forgiving and Forgetting is the best solution = Not perfect = Friendly = Heartless(at times) = Sometimes I act before i think =