Friday, October 21, 2011

It could be HER!

In April 2011, I met a girl on Facebook, her name was Vanessa. I never knew her at all or even heard of her before but never knowing at that moment I actually have close friends who were her close friends as well. Again, I didn't know that.

We were internet buddies for some time, until I was interested and asked her for her number. And so I decided to ask her out. I did't know whether she was skeptical or just shy to meet me. So she asked to invite some of our mutual friends along, well now that isn't a date it was a so called hangout with the group.

So on our 'hangout' night, I picked her up first among the friends and I was eager to see her for the first time. I was waiting outside her sister's house and she came out, and I was like "She ain't all that", but I was still interested in getting to know her.

The night passed quickly, you know what they say "Time flies when you're having fun". I really liked her, the first impression of her I got was that, she's a strong heart-ed girl, she stands her ground, she's fun to be with and the best part is about her hair which she is loves and boast about. I've got to admit, she really has beautiful hair. Then I started texting her alot, calling her and talking for hours and sometimes not even hours. I was getting to know her more and more until I started having feelings for her which I didn't realise until later on.

I was in my 3rd semester of my studies at that time, so every weekend I'll go back to my home town and try my best to get my dad's car and take her out. I was going out with her for sometime and I remember that one moment where I felt it, the love that I had for her. We were walking side by side, our hands touched each others and naturally we were holding hands and playing with our fingers. That moment, I only felt her hands and nothing else, suddenly everything else wasn't the matter to me. It was just me and her. Although it wasn't for so long, that few minutes said it all, that I was truly feeling something for her, feeling love.

Her birthday was nearing, I actually wanted to take her out for a special dinner or something romantic and tell her how I feel. Her birthday was on a Wednesday, but I was busy with college that week. I decided to take her out on the weekend. And so on Tuesday night, the night before her birthday I called her wishing her and telling her the plans for the weekend. She didn't want to trouble me and said "there's no need to trouble yourself and take me out to dinner". I thought of surprising her when I see her.

The day after her birthday, it was terrible. I met with an accident where I can say I almost died. It was a motorcycle accident, I was on the way to college when it happen. A car emergency brake and I rode straight into the car, the next thing I knew was that I was on the ground barely moving. I couldn't move my leg as it turns out, I broke my right femur(thigh bone) and it is known to be the biggest and strongest bone in the body. I was in the hospital for 11 days and while in the hospital I told her that I met with an accident and I broke my leg.

When I got discharged, I was staying at my mums. I texted her most of the time, we were quite close I can say. I totally forgot that I was supposed to tell her how i felt for her. I regret that because after a month or so she texted me that she has a boyfriend. She said, "He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes". I was broken into pieces, I couldn't take it so I called up my close 'brother from another mother' and asked him, "what should I do?" He said, "Tell her how you feel, Let her know the truth before its too late". I was hesitating at first, then I picked up the phone and dialed her number. She answered, and I was asking her how is she and that is everything fine?. She sounded the happiest I've ever heard her talk before and I didn't want to ruin that for her cause I love seeing her happy. At the same time, it was tearing me to pieces.

I left it there, and we were just friends but still close. After sometime I met her best friend Kriz, she told me that when she saw me with Vanessa, she saw a connection and that I looked at Vanessa differently. Even I didn't realise that deep down inside of me, I still love her. And now I'm feeling all the feeling I used to feel, especially missing her. I let the chance of telling her how I feel go, it's better late then never. I am going to tell Vanessa how I feel towards her whether she accepts me or not. I have to do this to know whether she is the one.

A special thanks to Kriz and Sundra for making me realise. Love you guys too :)

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= Sham (ZI) = Oct 1992 = In a Partial Family = Open Minded = Forgiving and Forgetting is the best solution = Not perfect = Friendly = Heartless(at times) = Sometimes I act before i think =