Friday, February 6, 2009

The Mouth Is A Powerful Weapon

From my experience, I've learnt that using the mouth could sometimes be very dangerous coz once i saw my sister fell down the staircase and i heard a 'crack' sound. I thought she might have broken her leg or something but actually she just twisted is badly... i went on telling myself what does it feel like to brake something in our after day, i kept on repeating the words...that was like in august 2008..In November 26, 2009, i had forgotten everything bout the words i kept on confessing...I went out in the evening around 5 to play football on the field, everything was going great when i had a fall in which i fell wrongly and had broken my left hand right in the middle of the wrist and the elbow... The first thing that came to my mind is "so this is how it feels like" was a bearable thraubbing pain.. when i got to the hospital the doctor confirmed the injury by a X-Ray...I was shocked to hear that the doctor said i have to undergo surgery to reallign the bone and screw 4 screws to a metal plate onto the bone for support...I didnt think it would be this bad, it was more pressure to my parents coz of the cost of all this 'Trouble'...I feel quite bad and had regretted confessing all those words... I have learnt to use words 'wisely' and not to use it when its not needed...By that, i knew God was teaching me a lesson and I've larnt it painfully....Advice to y'all out there, watch that mouth of yours....

1 comment:

  1. dude tomorrow,u and i are gonna be rich!.
    still want me to regret that one?


About Me

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= Sham (ZI) = Oct 1992 = In a Partial Family = Open Minded = Forgiving and Forgetting is the best solution = Not perfect = Friendly = Heartless(at times) = Sometimes I act before i think =